Why going low FODMAPS helps with bloating and IBS symptoms

Feeling bloated even though you eat ‘healthy’ foods?

My favourite chickpea salad that’s a hit with the whole family would have some keeling over in pain…

Why? Chickpeas are high in FODMAPS - and are often overlooked when it comes to gut issues.

FODMAPS are indigestible, fermentable carbohydrates which can trigger IBS type symptoms like bloating, constipation, pain and diarrhoea.

Reducing FODMAPS can be tricky, as they are also high in ‘healthy’ foods, such as chickpeas, apples, beans, garlic, cauliflower, watermelon and other fruits and vegetables.

Good news though - low FODMAP diet results are pretty impressive!

A 2009 study in the Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis found that 50% of patients with irritable bowel showed significant improvement in bloating and flatulence when reducing FODMAPs.

Another study in 2010 found it reduced gas by 75% in patients with IBS.

But like any food elimination plan designed to relieve symptoms – it’s often well worth the effort!

Note - while going low FODMAPS can give relief, it’s not recommended as a long term approach.

For a healthier gut microbiome that can tolerate more foods, it's important to address the underlying root cause and return to a varied, balanced diet.

The root cause is usually bacterial or fungal imbalances, insufficient stomach acid or enzymes, chronic stress, slow motility or food intolerances.

FODMAPS is a topic I cover in the Healthy Gut Reset program. You also receive a list of low FODMAPS foods that are less likely to trigger bloating and IBS type symptoms.

Want more info on my digestive health services, gut microbiome stool testing or food intolerance testing? To learn how I can support you, view my Gut Health Practitioner Services page.

Prefer a more holistic, flexible solution to improve your gut health?  

My Healthy Gut Reset program is a powerful, proven 8-week program that gets results! Designed to improve gut health symptoms, the program has helped clients lose weight, reduce bloating, feel more energised and confident, improve their digestion, acid reflux, sleep, indigestion, and other symptoms. View more information about our Healthy Gut Reset program.

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