9 hidden toxins in your home that are messing with your gut health


Toxins in your home?

Are you overlooking the missing part of the puzzle when it comes to your gut health – the toxins in your home?  

What do household toxins have to do with the gut? A lot. 

We absorb and inhale them – and they end up in our bloodstream and eventually our gut, affecting our microbiome, hormones and general health. 

That airfreshener in the bathroom. That cream you apply to your skin daily. The Windex you use to keep the windows sparkling.

It all adds up. It is estimated we expose ourselves to 168 chemicals each morning, just getting ready for the day. Our skin is our body’s largest organ and we absorb 60-70% of what we apply to it.  

There’s also the medications we regularly use for minor ailments. Rather than using them as a last resort, harsh medications are often our first option without considering the long term effects.

But don’t stress – the good news is it’s pretty simple to make the switch to healthier products. 

Here are 9 hidden toxins in your home and some simple swaps you can make.


1. Air freshener 

Fragrance has been referred to as ‘the new secondhand smoke’ as it contains chemicals called phthalates that interfere with hormone function (endocrine disruptors). Phthalates have been linked to issues in reproduction, fertility, metabolism, puberty and hormone related cancers.

Simple swap – make a spritzer of water and essential oils. My favourites are lemon, lavender and tea tree which have sanitising properties to naturally purify and freshen the air.


2. Perfume 

Spraying synthetic fragrance, a known endocrine disruptor, directly onto our thyroid and delicate pulse points is NEVER a good idea. Health effects aside - once you’ve tried the real deal (pure organic perfume from real plants), you’ll never go back to the synthetic chemical version!

Simple swap – use a roller of coconut oil and your favourite essential oils. My personal pure-fume favourites are Whisper, Rose, Passion or Balance.


3. Window cleaner 

No need to inhale toxic Windex or lock away your window cleaners in a high cupboard. Here’s a much simpler, safer, cost effective alternative - plus you can experience the uplifting benefits of aromatherapy while you clean!

 Simple swap – fill a trigger spray with water and add some drops of lemon oil. It works wonders and it’s safe enough to even let the kids get involved! 


4. Mould remover

Mould removers are amongst the harshest chemicals in your home. Sadly, they often only lighten the mould, rather than remove the actual source – the spores themselves.

 Simple swap - the good news is clove oil kills mould spores – it doesn’t just remove them aesthetically.


5. Deodorant 

Conventional anti-perspirants use aluminium chlorohydrate to block our sweat glands. Aluminium is suspected to be a neurotoxin and also interferes with our oestrogen receptors. Sweating is a natural process to help our bodies cool down and release toxins that accumulate in our lymph glands and affect our immune system.

Simple swap – switch to a deodorant contain coconut oil, a natural absorbing agent to absorb moisture, and essential oils that destroys the odour causing bacteria. There are effective DIY and ready made options!


6. Body lotion

Typical body moisturisers contain petroleum derived mineral oil as it is inexpensive (petroleum derived) and reduces moisture loss. Unfortunately, at best it offers no benefit for the skin and clogs the pores.

Simple swap – use a liquid coconut oil and add your favourite essential oils for a beautiful natural layered fragrance.


7. Cough and cold remedies 

These harsh medications often simply suppress the symptoms, which can prolong the condition without addressing the cause. Others such as conventional chest rubs often contain petroleum and fragrance and less active ingredients than organic plant-based options.

Simple swap – use plant-based remedies that protect and support the body’s immune system in recovery, without the harmful side effects. After all, plants have been used medicinally around the world for thousands of years. Safe, effective options that can be used by the whole family are Easy Air, frankincense, OnGuard, lemon, tea tree or oregano.  


8. Skin irritation creams

Do you struggle with eczema? Hydrocortisone creams designed to manage symptoms of skin irritations often lead to side effects such as skin redness, headaches, dizziness or trouble sleeping.

Simple swap – try an antibacterial, soothing combination of tea tree, lavender and frankincense diluted in coconut oil to soothe, protect and help the skin cells regenerate.


9. Sleeping or calming tablets 

Try a calming blend of essential oils in the diffuser, inhaled from the palms or in a roller applied topically to relieve anxious feelings, and promote restful sleep.

Ready to get started with these essential oils? Shop Now for a Starter Kit here to receive discounted prices.   

Or need some help or more info? Let me take out the overwhelm and guide you with easy recipes, personal support or discounted pricing – book a free consult here or come and come and join us in my online Facebook community!

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